Edo Culture Center Japanese Language School 09日本へ留学するためには、まず母国で150時間程度日本語を勉強する必要があります。それから申請書類を江戸カルチャーセンターから東京出入国在留管理局に申請します。その後、審査期間が約3ヶ月あり、申請が通ると、日本での「在留資格認定証明書(COE)」が受け取れます。 In order to study in Japan, you must first study Japanese in your home country for approximately 150 hours. Then, you can apply to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau by sending your application documents via the Edo Cultural Center. After that, there is a review period of about 3 months, and if your application is approved, you will receive a “Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence” (COE).たくさんの国の学生が仲良く過ごしています。Students from many countries live together in harmony.4月〜6月April - JuneSeptember - October港ユネスコ主催スピーチコンテストで江戸カルチャーセンターの皆さんが賞を独占!Edo Cultural Center students swept the awards at the speech contestsponsored by Minato Unesco!Interview and test in your home country前年The Year Before9月〜10月10月October11月中旬Mid-NovemberCome to Japan当年This First Year of Study2月〜3月February - March留学許可Permission to Studyin Japan is Granted来日準備Prepare to Come to Japan.課外活動で箱根へ出かけました。Extracurricular activities in Hakone.3ヶ月皆勤で商品券5,000円GET!We got JPY 5,000 for three months of perfect attendance!Studies in Japan4月初旬Early April母国で母国で面接と日本語を勉強(JLPT5級程度)Study Japanese in your home country (to approx. JLPT N5 level)東京出入国在留管理局に留学申請Apply for permission to study in Japan at Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau来日4月入学する場合のスケジュールSchedule for April Admission必要な書類を江戸カルチャーセンターに提出Send the necessary documents to Edo Cultural Center試験日本留学スタートBegin your日本留学スケジュール例(4月入学)Sample Schedule for Studying in Japan (April Admission)
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