
04 Edo Culture Center Japanese Language School最長2年間 Up to 2 years奨学金制度あり Scholarships are available.ビザサポートあり Visa Support is available.進学コースPreparatory course日本の学校への進学を目指す方を対象とした最長2年の日本語コースThis course is for students who aim to enter a university, graduate school or vocational school and lasts up to 2 years.日本留学試験「数学・総合科目」WEB授業数学・総合科目の授業をWEB授業で受講できます。Online Lessons on Mathematics and “Japan and the World” for the“Examination for Japanese University Admission forInternational Students (EJU)”.We offer online lessons focused on mathematics and “Japan and the World”.年4回の入学月1月・4月・7月・10月の年4回、入学のチャンスがあります。We offer quarterly entrance opportunities in January, April, July, and October.日本語能力試験対策・日本留学試験対策実施試験の日程に合わせて対策授業を実施しています。Supplementary lessons for “Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)” and“Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)Supplementary lessons are held based on the examination schedule.進学率進学率は約95%。成績優秀者には複数の学校の指定校推薦枠があります。Approximately 95% of our students go on to universities, graduate schools and vocational schools.We offer special recommendations for those who have excellent academic results.日本留学は江戸カルチャーセンターで!!Study Abroad in Japan at the Edo Cultural Center!約40年の伝統が作り上げた効率的で無駄のないカリキュラムであなたの日本語能力を飛躍的に上達させます。We will help you improve your Japanese skills with our efficient and optimized curriculumwhich is built on almost 40 years of tradition.言語修得のための4技能「読む・書く・聞く・話す」をバランスよく指導します。We provide well-balanced instruction in the four skills necessary for language acquisition:reading, writing, listening, and speaking.10か国以上の国・地域から集まった多くの友達と楽しい学校生活がおくれます。Experience the fun of student life with friends from over 10 different countries and regions.3か月間、無遅刻、無欠席を達成すれば、5,000円分のご褒美がもらえます。Receive a present worth JPY 5,000 for three months of perfect attendance with no absences or tardiness.University Entrance RateQuarterly AdmissionCareer and Educational Guidance進路指導学生の希望を最優先に考えながら進路を決定できるよう細かくアドバイスしていきます。We always put students' wishes and goals first and give detailed advice to lead students to determine their best way.江戸カルチャーセンターのコースご紹介

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